Saturday, April 5, 2008

Moving, Taxes, and iCrack

It has been another interesting week. No acrobats this week, but lots of taking care of business.

#1 I lost my cell phone. This might sound like a disaster, but when taken into account it was 3 years old, and about 4 years obsolete- not too bad. The downside- I lost every phone number I have, so if you are a personal friend- call or text me your phone number so I can add you back. The upside- I bought an iPhone and leaped into conspicuous consumption of the most superior kind.

The iPhone is supposed to be SO user friendly that it does not come with a user manual. Fine, good enough, however when you are a PC user and you can't get your Apple phone to jive with your PC and the only tech support offered is a PHONE NUMBER?!?!!?!....Houston we have a problem. Long story short, it took me 2.5 hours to activate it. I was fully and totally humbled. I have also been annoyed and feeling a little like I should have thought about this more clearly when I realized that my MICROSOFT Hotmail will not open on my APPLE iPhone. hmmmm...

#2 I received a price quote to move. Sounds great, except for what they priced me to move, I could give away everything I own and buy new. Further investigation has revealed a better and more cost efficient way to do this, but wowwsa. Apparently people are willing to pay alot to not have to deal with their stuff. My move has just gotten more complicated, but will in the end cost me about what I had budgeted for it. Thankfully, I have some nice people here who are willing to help a girl out one last time.

#3 I did my taxes. before I go any further- I have to say I used for the second year in a row, and it rocks. I am totally mathematically and organizationally impaired and even I could use this software. This year it was not a moment of triumph, or sorrow. I got something back from the feds, but owed the state of CT a little. I am constantly amazed by the amount of money Connecticut gets from their residents. How this state has such horrible schools and roads will never be satisfactorily explained to me. There simply is no reasonable explanation.

#4 It is getting warm. I love spring. There are few things that make me happier than walking outside and not feeling my snot freeze. Even if it means I need to do my taxes.........

1 comment:

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

I love spring too. ANd I can say that I don't the snot-freeze.
